Saturday, 10 March 2007

Sell for others, Earn for yourself!

Call me late to the party but I just stumbled on another way to earn money from one's website. I was just looking through the Amazon site the other day when I stumbled across their Associates Program. (Ok ok, I didn't "stumble", I clicked on "Make Money").

Well, my verdict is : Lots of people write about lots of things which lots of books have been written on.. Ok, I'm confusing myself now but if for example, one had a website on African Culture and they wrote about their last holiday to Nigeria, uploaded a few pictures, talked about some dishes they ate, etc. Readers could read that entry and want to know more about the dance or the food. They could immediately start "googling" some terms in order to find out more.

Now, if that blogger had a couple of links to a few books, music or even pieces of sculpture (Yes, i was just as surprised when I found African sculptures on Amazon!) People could be tempted to click on these links and buy (Eureka!)

Same goes for people with websites about business, electronics, music, software etc... It's free to join the program, so there is any money at stake, Amazon stocks all the products so you're not running a shop, you're merely advertising someones shop. I think it's worth a try!!!

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